
Having an eco-friendly Christmas tree really tops off an eco-Christmas. There are three main options:
Plastic tree
These are good because you will have them for a long time but to make it worth it you need to have it for at least 9 years.
Natural tree
These are good because they are not plastic or made in a factory, but they have to be chopped down every year which is bad for forests. 
Adopt a tree
This will be new to a lot of people. It basically is a natural tree that it grown in a very large plant pot. Every Christmas you will collect your tree or have it delivered to you in the plant pot. You will have to give it water and when you're finished with it, it will be collected and next year you can pick up the same tree you had last year but you will need to switch to a different tree when your normal one grows too big for your room!

Every small change can make a big difference.

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